Industrial Promotion Services (West Africa) Ltd Is an Institution that promotes industry to encourage development. Created by the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), it currently operates through subsidiaries in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).

These subsidiaries operate in sectors as diverse as agribusiness, packaging and infrastructure. The ultimate goal of IPS(WA) is economic development and the improvement of living standards of the populations of the countries in which it operates. It does this by creating, managing and developing economically viable projects that draw on all available human resources, particularly local management.

As a sustainable development partner, IPS(WA) is committed to basing its growth on a common set of values. As an economic player, IPS(WA) seeks to use the resources comprising its asset base as effectively as possible. It takes account of the interests of shareholders, staff and their families, local communities, the authorities of the networks in which it operates and the interests of future generations.

These basic tenets constitute the benchmark of IPS(WA) and underpin the Network’s continued growth, which benefits all internal and external partners while contributing to the economic and social development of host countries. This Code of Ethics is intended to establish grassroots principles that will create a common identity for all IPS(WA) Network personnel.

IPS(WA) entities and their staff are expressly committed to the highest standards of ethics and practices in full compliance with international conventions on human rights and all laws prevailing in the countries in which the Network operates.

IPS(WA) agrees to abide by the rules of fairness and healthy competition in the conduct of its business, and expressly rejects corruption in all its forms.

IPS(WA) places heavy emphasis on its employees’ loyalty, motivation and sense of responsibility.